A thoroughly biased look at direct mail versus other types of advertising.
I’m going to be honest. I’ve never been fond of the U.S. Postal Service … for a number of reasons. But having said that, the USPS offers us one of the most powerful advertising tools available today: direct mail.
Let’s look at how it compares to other types of advertising:
Radio – similar to TV, typically only listened to during drive time. Radio made jingles famous, and even today that’s what many advertisers use to (hopefully) make their brand memorable. I can still recall portions of jingles: “call 1-800 something something and away goes trouble down the drain.” The trouble is, when I had to repipe my entire house, I didn’t sing a jingle to find a plumber. I hunted through some saved direct mail, did a little online research, and ended up with a great company.
Telemarketing – need I say more? Somehow in spite of legislation, telemarketers are still calling us during dinner. When my daughter was a teen, I had a way of dealing with them. I would simply hand her the phone and she would start talking. About her day, school, grades, boys, swimming, shoes, friends, the unfairness of life, you name it. Until the poor telemarketer hung up (probably with a newly renewed allegiance to bachelorhood).
I really miss having her around.
Although I don’t mind occasional email marketing from some businesses, I get annoyed if they over-email me. I’ve also found myself thinking “gee, this didn’t cost them much to send. Do they really value me so little?” Sometimes cheaper and faster are not the advantages people think they are
For those who say direct mail kills trees, consider this: trees are grown and harvested much like any other crop, and tree farming has become a huge industry in the U.S. In fact, there are more trees on our earth today than we had 200 years ago. You can't get much greener than that.
So go out and direct mail. Because it works.
For more information on Post Haste Mailing Services, visit http://www.posthastemailing.com/, or email us at: info@posthastemailing.com