Five Marketing Resolutions for the New Year

A new year gives us the opportunity to evaluate and reset our priorities. With that in mind, here are our top five resolutions for maximizing your 2011 direct mail campaigns.

5. Get to know your buyer. If you want to improve the return on your marketing investment, you must know your buyer. You may already know their age, income and gender, but can you paint a clear, concise picture of this person? What are their attitudes, lifestyles, affiliations, concerns, fears and motivations? Seriously consider taking a survey among your clients. It can lead to more targeted advertising.

4. Get personal. Personalized mailings always out-perform generic mailers. Of course, not everyone has the budget for this, so consider adding a personalized tagline on the envelope (or front of the self-mailer). It’s an incredibly low-cost way to get your reader involved and boost your response. Here are a few examples – 

Give yourself the gift of time
Does an extra three hours per day sound good to you, Chris?
Help this baby seal today
Chris – you can save this baby seal for less than the price of a cup of coffee.
Congratulations – you’re accepted!
Congratulations, Chris – you’re in!
Save money with solar power
Solar power can save Post Haste Mailing an average of $300 per month

3. Test. Did envelope A out-perform postcard B? Which list pulled stronger? Analyze your results and know what works.

2. And repeat. Study after study (after study!) shows improved response after a series of mailings. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither is a direct marketing campaign. Remember - with each mailing you’re building your visibility with your potential clients.

1. Call Post Haste Mailing Services for help. We know what works, will help you improve your ROI and (best of all) make it easy for you. (Hey, can you blame us for throwing in a little self promotion?)

Bill and I hope you have a happy, prosperous 2011.

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